The Three R's - Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle: A Guide to Sustainable Living

recycled throws

The concept of the three R's - Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle - is a fundamental principle of sustainable living. It provides a simple and effective framework for individuals and businesses to reduce their environmental impact and move towards a more sustainable future.

In this article, we will explore each of the three R's and provide some practical tips for implementing them in everyday life, as well as some ways to incorporate them into your road trip travels as well.

Table of Contents


The first R - Reduce - refers to reducing the amount of waste that is produced in the first place. This can be achieved by using fewer resources, choosing products with minimal packaging, and avoiding single-use items.

Some practical tips for reducing waste include:

Use reusable bags, water bottles, and coffee cups. Some shops are forcing this onto us, such as with the Coles and Woolies plastic bag ban, but many sellers still aren't even encouraging any kind of reduction, especially when it comes to water bottles and coffee cups. Getting your own good-quality travel mug, water bottle and shopping bags is easy and saves a heap of waste. Another example is to use a SodaStream instead of buying multiple plastic fizzy drinks. 

bamboo coffee traveller mug

Buy in bulk to reduce packaging waste. When a product can be stored, particularly non-refrigerated products, it only makes sense to reduce this so that packaging covers all the items in one, rather than a bunch of products each with its own packaging plus the outside package. This also applies to buying non-processed foods rather than packaged goods. Just compare in your mind the difference between buying loose fruit and vegies with reusable cotton bags, or buying packaged fruit and vegies and using plastic bags. It tells a story. 

Choose products made from sustainable materials. There are many alternatives these days for many common products we use daily, and they're often much, much better suited to the job, and last longer than throwaway options, costing less over time - so we really have no excuse to ignore the more sustainable option.

Use energy-efficient appliances and lighting. Use solar lighting and power when you can. Most modern LEDs are really good on battery power and will last most of the night, only to be recharged the nex day in the sun. Good quality ones are the best, with better fittings, better components and better value, even though they will cost more. You get what you pay for, and shouldn't be surprised when the cheapest LEDs fail after one or two outings.

By reducing the amount of waste that is produced, we can conserve resources and reduce our impact on the environment.


The second R - Reuse - involves using products multiple times instead of disposing of them after one use. This can be achieved by repairing or repurposing items, donating them to charity, or using refillable containers.

Some practical tips for reusing items include:

Repair damaged clothing instead of throwing it away. This is very bohemian and gives a huge sense of satisfaction. Learning a few simple tcehniques like darning or sewing tears, as well as having an on-hand sewing kit especially a travel friendly one, is AWESOME! I've had to use mine a hundred times on both clothes and my tents over the years. I wouldn't leave home without it.

Check out this video for some fantastic tips on fixing your own clothes:

Use cloth napkins and kitchen towels instead of disposable ones. This may seem gross at first thought, but a roll of bamboo towel is a perfect substitute for paper towels. It does exactly the same thing but it's reusable and much more sustainable due to bamboo's significantly better eco footprint than paper trees. 

reusable bamboo towel

Donate your good condition, unwanted items to charity or sell them online. This is becoming very popular, as is buying clothes and goods from op shops. It's great fun - you never know what you'll find. Your seconds are definitely other people's potential gold.

Use refillable soap dispensers, cleaning products, and personal care items. There are easy ways to do this. Coffee pods, for example, are very high waste. They now sell reusable metal pods. Or you go and buy a machine that uses a grinder and you avoid the pod in the first place. There are many, very high quality bar soaps, shampoos and conditioners now that totally replace those in plastic containers. There are also reusable metal containers to carry these bar soaps when you're travelling too.

There is no plastic used in any of these products, or in the packaging, which we use when travelling: available from our shop - bar soap with sisal pouch and the stainless steel container.

soap pouch, soap and container

Use old jars and containers for storage. A great idea if you're using a reused jar to carry fairy lights, you can also show your fairy lights all together in a jar as one large light, which can be really helpful, easily carried and set up.

By reusing items, we can reduce waste and conserve resources while also saving money and supporting local businesses.


The third R - Recycle - involves turning actual waste into new products. Recycling helps to conserve resources, reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill, and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

Some practical tips for recycling include:

Check with your local council to find out what materials can be recycled in your area. This information is available on council websites, such as on ours, which is Moreton Bay Regional Council:

The sites will also include info about where to recycle other things like batteries and oils, for example on that same website:

Flatten cardboard boxes and containers to save space. Flatten milk and water bottles. Just leave the lid half tightened and squeeze it before squashing it in your hands then tighten the lid fully. This can save a tonne of space in your recycling.

Avoid putting non-recyclable items in the recycling bin. We need to make sure that what you're putting into the recycle bin is actually recyclable. The little 'recycle'-looking symbol with a number or letters next to it does not mean it's recyclable - it just shows what type of plastic is being used.

Buy products made from recycled materials. Products that are fully or partly made from recycled materials are becoming more commonplace, which is excellent. Tissues, office paper, staplers, cleaning cloths, packing boxes, yes even water - all sorts of things are becoming available. We have a huge range of recycled plastic mats, which are brilliant examples of cost and earth saving products.

recycled plastic mats

By recycling, we can reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfill, conserve resources, and support the circular economy.


The three R's - Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle - provide a simple and effective framework for sustainable living. By implementing these principles in everyday life, individuals and businesses can reduce their environmental impact and move towards a more sustainable future.

Whether it's reducing the amount of waste produced, reusing items, or recycling materials, every action counts, as the more people do this, the less is the demand for more resources which then go on to waste. 

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